Evaluation reports 2009

Evaluation of the Country Programme Serbia 2006-2008

Evaluation reports 2007

Evaluation of the HORIZONT3000 TA Personnel Programme - Evaluierung der Personellen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit von Horizont3000

Evaluation of the Education Sector of Austrian Development Cooperation and Cooperation with South-East Europe



Thematic Evaluation: The Relevance of Culture and Cultural Heritage in Austrian Development Cooperation and Cooperation with Eastern Europe


Evaluation of the Austrian Development Cooperation in Kenya 1996-2006

Evaluation reports 2006

Evaluation of Coordination and Complementarity of European Assistance to Local Development

This is a joint evaluation managed by Sweden (lead agency), Austria, Belgium, France, Ireland and the Netherlands. It is one of six independent evaluations initiated by the Heads of Evaluation for External Cooperation of the EU Member States and the European Commission with a view to explore and assess the role played by the Maastricht Treaty precepts, coordination, complementarity and coherence (3Cs), in the European Union's development co-operation policies and operations; and to determine how far these have been applied in practice and with what impact.