Feasibilitystudien 2. Halbjahr 2007

Contract partner: Arbeitsgemeinschaft - Deutschen Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit GmbH / PlanConsult Holding GmbH Country: Entwicklungsländer, unspezifisch Funding amount: € 176.732,00 Project start: 28.01.2008 End: 29.02.2008

Short Description:

Overall goal

Die Instrumente der Wirtschaftspartnerschaften beinhalten die Kofinanzierung von Feasibilitystudien i.H.v. max. EUR 20.000,-. Im Rahmen dieses Vertrages werden folgende Unternehmen unterstützt:

PORR AG: Abfallwirtschaft Berane, Montenegro

BIOGIS GmbH: Café Vienna, Tansania

XiCrypt Internetsicherheitslösungen GmbH: Digitale Langzeitarchivierung zur Verbesserung von e-Business und e-Government, Südafrika

Best Water Technologies AG: Dezentrale Filteranlagen für Trinkwasser mit Arsen in Indien, Indien

Dr. Martins da Cunha GmbH: Stärkung der Wertschöpfungskette Kokosverarbeitung in Bangladesch und Indonesien im Rahmen einer Unternehmenspartnerschaft, Bangladesch/Indonesien

AME International GmbH: Market and financial feasibility of the establishment of a Private Medical Center (PMC) in Lusaka, Sambia

ÖAR Regionalberatung GmbH: Cable Car to the Lovcen Mountain and the Fortress Kotor, Montenegro

Präventiv Produkte AG: Rekultivierung von degradierten Anbauflächen und Bepflanzung mit Jatropha, Paraguay

Parkettshop Inarsia Edelholzböden GmbH & Co KEG: Prüfung des Vorhabens "Kommerzielle Aufforstung für FSC-zertifizierte Kleinbauern in Lateinamerika (v.a. Costa Rica)", Costa Rica

project number 2333-12/2008
source of funding OEZA
sector Andere multisektorielle Maßnahmen
  • Policy marker: are used to identify, assess and facilitate the monitoring of activities in support of policy objectives concerning gender equality, aid to environment, participatory development/good governance, trade development and reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health. Activities targeting the objectives of the Rio Conventions include the identification of biodiversity, climate change mitigation, climate change adaptation, and desertification.
    • 1= policy is a significant objective of the activity
    • 2= policy is the principal objective of the activity
  • Donor/ source of funding: The ADA is not only implementing projects and programmes of the Austrian Development Cooperation , but also projects funded from other sources and donors such as
    • AKF - Foreign Disaster Fund of the Austrian federal government
    • BMLFUW - Federal Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water
    • EU - Funds of the European Commission
    • Others - various other donors are listed in ADA’s annual business report.
  • Type of Aid – Aid modalities: classifies transfers from the donor to the first recipient of funds such as budget support, core contributions and pooled programmes and funds to CSOs and multilateral organisations, project-type interventions, experts and other technical assistance, scholarships and student costs in donor countries, debt relief, administrative costs and other in-donor expenditures.
  • Purpose/ sector code: classifies the specific area of the recipient’s economic or social structure, funded by a bilateral contribution.
  • Tied/Untied: Untied aid is defined as loans and grants whose proceeds are fully and freely available to finance procurement from all OECD countries and substantially all developing countries. Transactions are considered tied unless the donor has, at the time of the aid offer, clearly specified a range of countries eligible for procurement which meets the tests for “untied” aid.