Contribution to the IFRC Emergency Appeal Afghanistan 2022-2023

Projektträger: IFRC - International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies - Genf Land: Afghanistan Fördersumme: € 1.000.000,00 Beginn: 01.01.2022 Ende: 31.12.2023



Most vulnerable people affected by conflict and/or other situations of violence in Afghanistan are able to meet their basic needs, notably regarding food/nutrition, access to water and sanitation facilities, and access to quality health-care services.

Erwartete Ergebnisse

R1. Shelter, Housing and Settlements: Communities in disaster and crisis affected areas have restored and strengthened their safety, well-being and longer-term recovery through shelter and settlement solutions;

R2. Livelihoods: Communities, especially in disaster and crisis affected areas have restored and strengthened their livelihoods;

R3. Multi-purpose Cash: Socio-economically vulnerable households have the ability to meet their basic needs;

R4. Health & Care: The immediate risks to the health of the affected populations are reduced through improved access to health care;

R5. Water and Sanitation: Immediate reduction in risk of waterborne and water-related diseases in targeted communities;

R6. Protection, Gender and Inclusion: Communities become more peaceful, safe and inclusive by meeting the needs and rights of those most vulnerable;

R7. Community Engagement and Accountability: People and communities have been targeted with timely, accurate, trusted and accessible information regarding services provided and given opportunity to share feedback that is used to adapt and guide programmes and operations;

R8. Migration: Host communities are supporting the needs of IDPs and returnees and their families and assist them with reintegration at all stages;

R9. Risk Reduction, Climate adaption and Recovery: Communities in high-risk areas are prepared for and able to respond to disasters.


With the Austrian contribution of EUR 1 Mio., the IFRC will be able to provide multi-purpose cash to approx. 35.000 socio-economically vulnerable households to meet their basic needs (indicative).

THe IFRC works closely with the Afghan Red Crescent Society (ARCS) and carries out its programme across all 34 provinces.


With the contribution, the following activities can be carried out (not exclusive and potentially subject to change, depending on needs on the ground):

• Assess immediate food and cash needs, capacities and gaps;

• Train staff and volunteers on Standard Operational Procedures for cash assistance;

• Identify target households based on average household composition with an assumption of targeting host communities and IDPs;

• Provide multipurpose cash-assistance to socio-economically vulnerable households (including IDPs and returnees) covering their basic needs based on existing guidelines provided by the Afghan Cash and Voucher Working Group.

• Conduct market assessment, post-distribution monitoring and analysis.


After the establishment of a new government in Afghanistan was announced on September 7th 2021, hostilities have stopped in most parts of the country - however, violence persists in many regions and cities. The situation of multiple armed groups, especially the IS, complicates security. The suspension of foreign financial assistance that was suspended after the establishment of the new government poses one of the most significant factors that currently exacerbate the humanitarian crisis in the country. Markets, money exchanges, banks and businesses are functioning only partially, prices of food, medicine and other essential goods are soaring. The economy and health systems that have been supported by donors and humanitarian agencies are on the brink of collapse. To add to that, a third of the country is still suffering under a drought, the second in four years. The people of Afghanistan are struggling to cope with these conditions - the consequences of decades of armed conflict and political instability, chronic poverty, food shortages, the pandemic, natural disasters and the effects of climate change. Between November 2021 and March 2022, over 22 million Afghans are expected to have become food insecure. Malnutrition has been increasing among children under the age of five and up to 90% of the overall population is projected to fall under the poverty line by the end of the year.

Projektnummer 2645-01/2022
Mittelherkunft AKF
Sektor Humanitäre Hilfe: Sofortmaßnahmen
Marker Geschlecht: 1, Armut: 1
  • Marker: kennzeichnet und bewertet die entwicklungspolitische Zielsetzung eines Projektes auf Gendergleichstellung, Reproduktive Gesundheit, Umweltschutz, Demokratieförderung, Armutsorientierung, Entwicklung des Handels sowie auf die Erfüllung der Klima- Biodiversitäts- und Wüstenkonventionen.
    • 1= das entwicklungspolitische Ziel ist in das Projekt integriert
    • 2= das entwicklungspolitsche Ziel ist der spezifische Inhalt des Projekts
  • Mittelherkunft: Die ADA setzt in Projekten und Programmen Mittel der Österreichischen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit (OEZA) sowie anderer Finanzierungsquellen um.
    • AKF - Auslandskatastrophenfonds der Österreichischen Bundesregierung
    • BMLFUW - Bundesministerium für Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Umwelt und Wasserwirtschaft
    • EU - Mittel der Europäischen Kommission
    • Andere Geber - Diverse Finanzquellen, die dem jährlichen Geschäftsbericht der ADA im Detail zu entnehmen sind.
  • Modalität: definiert die Art der Hilfe (z.B: Sektorbudgethilfe, Kernbeiträge an multilaterale Institutionen, Projekthilfe, Technische Assistenz (personelle Hilfe), Bildungsarbeit im Inland, etc.)
  • Sektor: bezeichnet den wirtschaftlichen oder sozialen Sektor des Partnerlandes, welcher mit dem Projekt/Programm unterstützt wird.
  • Tied/Untied: Ungebundene (untied) Hilfe ermöglicht dem Projektpartner im Entwicklungsland - unter Befolgung der lokalen Beschaffungsregeln - freie Entscheidung über die Herkunftsländer im Zuge der Beschaffung von Dienstleistungen und Waren. Gebundene (tied) Hilfe verknüpft die Hilfsleistung auf die Beschaffung aus dem Geberland oder aus einem eingeschränkten Kreis von Ländern.