Evaluierungsberichte 2005

Evaluation of Austrian Cooperation with Albania 1991/1992 - 2004

The Role of NGOs as Partners of the Austrian Development Cooperation in Nicaragua and their Contribution to the Eradication of Poverty

Evaluación del rol de ONG como socios de la Cooperación Austriaca para el Desarrollo en Nicaragua y su contribución en la erradicación de la pobreza

Evaluierungsberichte 2004

Evaluation of the Country Programme Mozambique

Evaluierung des Instruments "Rahmenvertrag" (NRO-Kooperation)

Evaluierungsberichte 2003

Evaluation of the Austrian Mine Action Programme

Evaluation of Austria's Development Cooperation and Assistance to CEECs/NIS in the Water Sector (Water Supply and Sanitation)

Evaluation of the International Law Institute in Uganda

Evaluation of the Cape Verde Inter-Island Sea Cable Project

Evaluierungsberichte 2002

Evaluation of the UNIDO Program funded by Austria to strengthen die Leather Sector in Uganda

Evaluierungsberichte 2001

Evaluación del Desarrollo de Redes y Distritos de Pequenas y Medianas Empresas en Nicaragua

Evaluation of Microfinance as an Instrument of the Austrian Development Cooperation

Microfinance Phase III Uganda

Evaluierung des Internationalen Post Graduate Training Course in Limnologie

Evaluierungsberichte 2000

Evaluation of Small Hydro Projects in Namche Bazaar (Nepal) and Rangjung (Bhutan)

Evaluierung KulturKontakt

Evaluierungsberichte 1999

Evaluación del Proyecto Tempate (Biomasse) Nicaragua

Evaluierung der Reintegrationsagentur CAR

Microfinance Phase I Zimbabwe