Austrian Development Agency funds about 650 projects and programmes annually with a total of EUR 500 million to improve living conditions in developing countries.

The Project List makes all ADA projects and their most relevant parameters publicly accessible. It also includes projects that have been delegated to ADA by other donor agencies, such as the European Commission. Such projects are explicitly listed as such. In addition, ADA also implements funds for other Austrian and international institutions as part of development cooperation projects. Details regarding the sources of funding contained in the categories "OEZA" (Austrian Development Cooperation) and "andere Geber" (other donors) are provided in ADA's annual report (Geschäftsbericht).

For technical reasons, statistical data (modality, marker, tying status) is only available for projects with a start date later than 01.01.2015.

The projects are listed chronologically and can be searched either by using keywords or by selecting specific countries in the predefined search fields.

  • The descriptions of the projects searched can be downloaded as PDF.
  • The whole data set can be downloaded as excel file here.
Date of last update: 27.05.2024

All projects
Contract partner LICHT FÜR DIE WELT - Christoffel Entwicklungszusammenarbeit
Country Developing countries, unspecified
Funding amount € 443.170,00
Project start 01.01.2005
End 31.03.2006
Contract partner Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften
Country Developing countries, unspecified
Funding amount € 985.433,00
Project start 01.01.2005
End 31.03.2008
Contract partner ÖKO HIMAL - Gesellschaft für ökologische Zusammenarbeit Alpen - Himalaya
Country Developing countries, unspecified
Funding amount € 101.574,00
Project start 01.01.2005
End 31.12.2005
Contract partner ECCP - European Centre for Conflict Prevention
Country Developing countries, unspecified
Funding amount € 40.000,00
Project start 01.01.2005
End 31.12.2005
Contract partner GICHD - Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining
Country Developing countries, unspecified
Funding amount € 46.000,00
Project start 01.01.2005
End 31.12.2005
Contract partner ICEP Verein für globale Entwicklung (NÄ: siehe Anmerkung)
Country Developing countries, unspecified
Funding amount € 300.000,00
Project start 01.01.2005
End 31.12.2005
Contract partner CARE Österreich, Verein für Entwicklungszusammenarbeit und humanitäre Hilfe
Country Developing countries, unspecified
Funding amount € 799.344,00
Project start 01.01.2005
End 31.12.2005
Contract partner Jugend Eine Welt - Don Bosco Entwicklungszusammenarbeit
Country Developing countries, unspecified
Funding amount € 250.000,00
Project start 01.01.2005
End 31.12.2005
Contract partner HWI - HILFSWERK INTERNATIONAL (ehemals: Hilfswerk Austria)
Country Developing countries, unspecified
Funding amount € 369.043,00
Project start 01.01.2005
End 31.12.2005
Contract partner MaPaKi - Verein zur Förderung der Straßenkinderinitiative Maya, Paya, Kimsa
Country Bolivia
Funding amount € 5.842,18
Project start 01.01.2005
End 31.12.2005
Contract partner EWA - Entwicklungswerkstatt Austria
Country Burkina Faso
Funding amount € 2.073.306,00
Project start 01.01.2005
End 31.12.2007
Contract partner EWA - Entwicklungswerkstatt Austria
Country Burkina Faso
Funding amount € 500.526,00
Project start 01.01.2005
End 31.12.2007
Contract partner HOPE'87 - Hundreds of Original Projects for Employment - Verein zur Förderung der Jugendbeschäftigung
Country Burkina Faso
Funding amount € 40.000,00
Project start 01.01.2005
End 30.06.2007
Contract partner RCN Justice & Democratie
Country Burundi
Funding amount € 92.388,00
Project start 01.01.2005
End 31.12.2005
Contract partner Verein Städtefreundschaft Pedra Badejo - Leibnitz
Country Cape Verde
Funding amount € 24.000,00
Project start 01.01.2005
End 31.12.2007
Contract partner DA - Diplomatische Akademie Wien
Country CEECs/NIS unallocated
Funding amount € 118.660,45
Project start 01.01.2005
End 31.08.2006
Contract partner MC - Missionarinnen Christi
Country Congo, Dem. Rep.
Funding amount € 19.627,70
Project start 01.01.2005
End 30.06.2006
Contract partner BIM-FV - Ludwig Boltzmann Institut für Menschenrechte - Forschungsverein
Country Croatia
Funding amount € 11.375,46
Project start 01.01.2005
End 30.04.2006
Contract partner WIIW - Wiener Institut für Internationale Wirtschaftsvergleiche
Country Croatia
Funding amount € 72.000,00
Project start 01.01.2005
End 31.12.2006
Contract partner Institut für Tourismus Zagreb
Country Croatia
Funding amount € 250.000,00
Project start 01.01.2005
End 31.12.2006