H.E.L.P. (Helping Elderly Lonely People)

Projektträger: Caritas Österreich Land: Moldova Fördersumme: € 150.000,00 Beginn: 01.07.2015 Ende: 31.12.2018



Objective of the project is to improve access to primary health care and social services for 450 vulnerable lonely elderly persons in Chisinau, Stircea and Stauceni and to influence legislation and administration for more and better services for elderly.

Erwartete Ergebnisse

Expected Results: 450 Beneficiaries get access to qualitative primary health care and social services. 175 persons (homecare staff, state social assistants, family members, national experts) benefited from trainings and know-how exchange. The ability for policy dialogue of the local partner Caritas Moldova and other social service providers in the Republic of Moldova has been strengthened. A coordinated sequence of lobbying and policy dialogue activities has been implemented and influenced policy documents. Awareness raising activities informed a broader public.


Target groups: 450 elderly persons, 75 family members of beneficiaries, neighbours, volunteers, potential social assistants, 21 members of staff of Caritas Moldova; members of 9 local NGOs providing medical and social services; 70 state social assistants, staff of public and private Social and Health care providers, local authorities; the Municipal Direction for Social Assistance of Chisinau, Department for Social Protection, Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Family, Ministry of Health, National Health Insurance Company, community members of Stircea, Stauceni and Chisinau;

In total, around 650 persons will be targeted by the project.




Provision of primary health care for beneficiaries; provision of social home-care-services; provision of services in Caritas Moldova socio-medical centers; organization of self-help groups; Agreement of Cooperation with local policlinics and Social Protection Departments; a wide range of different trainings: quality standards in homecare, train to care, end-of-life care, dementia, train the trainer seminar, palliative care, prevention of burnout of medical personnel and social workers, training for state social workers; basics of socio-medical services, communication skills; training for relatives, volunteers and potential personnel for social services; exchange and study visit to Austria for national experts; platform for advocacy and policy dialogue; organization of round tables twice a year with the Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Family, Ministry of Health, Social Protection Departments, NGOs and local public authorities; organization of a thematic conference




Caritas Moldova participated in the definition of medical standards for homecare services, was accredited as provider of homecare services in 2011, concluded the contract with the National Assurance company on partial funding of homecare services in 2012 and successfully advocated for an increase of the funding rate in 2013-2014. Throughout 2014 Caritas Moldova worked together with its partners on the definition of social standards in homecare services. The social standards were officially adopted in 2014, and since then the network of partners concentrates its lobbying work on the social component of homecare services vis-à-vis the Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Family.

Der OEZA-Kofinanzierungsanteil beträgt 43,02 Prozent.


Projektnummer 8108-05/2015
Mittelherkunft OEZA
Sektor Andere soziale Infrastruktur und Leistungen
Tied 0
Modalität Project-type interventions
Marker Armut: 1
  • Marker: kennzeichnet und bewertet die entwicklungspolitische Zielsetzung eines Projektes auf Gendergleichstellung, Reproduktive Gesundheit, Umweltschutz, Demokratieförderung, Armutsorientierung, Entwicklung des Handels sowie auf die Erfüllung der Klima- Biodiversitäts- und Wüstenkonventionen.
    • 1= das entwicklungspolitische Ziel ist in das Projekt integriert
    • 2= das entwicklungspolitsche Ziel ist der spezifische Inhalt des Projekts
  • Mittelherkunft: Die ADA setzt in Projekten und Programmen Mittel der Österreichischen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit (OEZA) sowie anderer Finanzierungsquellen um.
    • AKF - Auslandskatastrophenfonds der Österreichischen Bundesregierung
    • BMLFUW - Bundesministerium für Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Umwelt und Wasserwirtschaft
    • EU - Mittel der Europäischen Kommission
    • Andere Geber - Diverse Finanzquellen, die dem jährlichen Geschäftsbericht der ADA im Detail zu entnehmen sind.
  • Modalität: definiert die Art der Hilfe (z.B: Sektorbudgethilfe, Kernbeiträge an multilaterale Institutionen, Projekthilfe, Technische Assistenz (personelle Hilfe), Bildungsarbeit im Inland, etc.)
  • Sektor: bezeichnet den wirtschaftlichen oder sozialen Sektor des Partnerlandes, welcher mit dem Projekt/Programm unterstützt wird.
  • Tied/Untied: Ungebundene (untied) Hilfe ermöglicht dem Projektpartner im Entwicklungsland - unter Befolgung der lokalen Beschaffungsregeln - freie Entscheidung über die Herkunftsländer im Zuge der Beschaffung von Dienstleistungen und Waren. Gebundene (tied) Hilfe verknüpft die Hilfsleistung auf die Beschaffung aus dem Geberland oder aus einem eingeschränkten Kreis von Ländern.