Austrian Development Agency funds about 650 projects and programmes annually with a total of EUR 500 million to improve living conditions in developing countries.

The Project List makes all ADA projects and their most relevant parameters publicly accessible. It also includes projects that have been delegated to ADA by other donor agencies, such as the European Commission. Such projects are explicitly listed as such. In addition, ADA also implements funds for other Austrian and international institutions as part of development cooperation projects. Details regarding the sources of funding contained in the categories "OEZA" (Austrian Development Cooperation) and "andere Geber" (other donors) are provided in ADA's annual report (Geschäftsbericht).

For technical reasons, statistical data (modality, marker, tying status) is only available for projects with a start date later than 01.01.2015.

The projects are listed chronologically and can be searched either by using keywords or by selecting specific countries in the predefined search fields.

  • The descriptions of the projects searched can be downloaded as PDF.
  • The whole data set can be downloaded as excel file here.
Date of last update: 27.05.2024

All projects
Contract partner Verein für antirassistische und friedenspolitische Initiative
Country Austria
Funding amount € 7.000,00
Project start 01.08.2011
End 31.12.2011
Contract partner ICEP Wirtschaft und Entwicklung GmbH
Country Austria
Funding amount € 90.000,00
Project start 01.08.2011
End 30.06.2012
Contract partner MoFEC - Ministry of Finance and Economic Cooperation (ehemals: MoFED)
Country Ethiopia
Funding amount € 1.900.000,00
Project start 08.07.2011
End 07.07.2012
Contract partner MFPED - Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development - Uganda
Country Uganda
Funding amount € 4.000.000,00
Project start 01.07.2011
End 31.03.2013
Contract partner MFPED - Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development - Uganda
Country Uganda
Funding amount € 1.700.000,00
Project start 01.07.2011
End 30.06.2012
Contract partner Royal Danish Embassy - Uganda
Country Uganda
Funding amount € 2.500.000,00
Project start 01.07.2011
End 31.12.2017
Contract partner UNHCR - United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Country South of Sahara, regional/multi-country
Funding amount € 1.000.000,00
Project start 01.07.2011
End 31.12.2011
Contract partner YABONGA - Verein für Kinder in Afrika
Country South Africa
Funding amount € 80.000,00
Project start 01.07.2011
End 31.12.2013
Contract partner UNICEF - United Nations Children's Fund - New York
Country Somalia
Funding amount € 250.000,00
Project start 01.07.2011
End 31.12.2012
Contract partner HOPE'87 - Hundreds of Original Projects for Employment - Verein zur Förderung der Jugendbeschäftigung
Country Senegal
Funding amount € 86.000,00
Project start 01.07.2011
End 31.01.2013
Contract partner Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores - Secretaría de Relaciones Económicas y Cooperación
Country Nicaragua
Funding amount € 800.000,00
Project start 01.07.2011
End 31.12.2011
Contract partner Royal Danish Embassy Maputo
Country Mozambique
Funding amount € 3.000.000,00
Project start 01.07.2011
End 31.12.2014
Contract partner IOM - International Organisation for Migration - Austria
Country Moldova
Funding amount € 100.000,00
Project start 01.07.2011
End 30.06.2013
Contract partner Daraja - Die Brücke. Verein für Entwicklungszusammenarbeit, entwicklungspolitische Information und entwicklungspolitische Arbeit.
Country Kenya
Funding amount € 5.000,00
Project start 01.07.2011
End 30.09.2012
Contract partner Hermes Österreich Geistgemäße Geldgebarung
Country Georgia
Funding amount € 5.000,00
Project start 01.07.2011
End 30.11.2011
Contract partner SONNE - International - Support Organisation for Non-formal Needed Education - Hilfsorganisation zur weltweiten Unterstützung von Ausbildungsprogrammen, medizinischen Projekten und ländlichen Entwicklungsprojekten
Country Ethiopia
Funding amount € 95.000,00
Project start 01.07.2011
End 31.12.2014
Contract partner IZ - Verein zur Förderung von Vielfalt, Dialog und Bildung (ehemals: IZ - Interkulturelles Zentrum)
Country Central Asia, regional/multi-country
Funding amount € 84.400,00
Project start 01.07.2011
End 30.06.2013
Contract partner Diakonie - Austria gemeinnützige GmbH
Country Bosnia and Herzegovina
Funding amount € 75.000,00
Project start 01.07.2011
End 31.12.2012
Contract partner FAAF - Freunde der American Austrian Foundation
Country Developing countries, unspecified
Funding amount € 750.000,00
Project start 01.07.2011
End 30.06.2014
Contract partner MFA - Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Sweden
Country Developing countries, unspecified
Funding amount € 41.000,00
Project start 01.07.2011
End 31.12.2011